Caitlin Grey (foenix) wrote,
Caitlin Grey

Sorry, Bevy...

Mike, I'm going to kick things off with a few questions of my own. A recent description of "X-Men: Legacy" indicated that the book would focus on Rogue and Gambit. Can you elaborate at all?

It's both true and misleading. The character at the center of the book is someone else entirely -- it's Professor X, in fact -- but Rogue and Gambit will appear in a way that moves their relationship and their personal journeys forward very significantly. As readers of adjectiveless "X-Men" will know, I've sent Rogue along a traumatic and life-changing path. We see the fruition of that in "Messiah CompleX," but the consequences are still to be played out and it's in "Legacy" first and foremost that we see this happen

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